If you’re just tuning in to my blog, you missed a few great couple of month’s of blog posts. I invite you to scroll through. This one is probably one of the most important.

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” – Galations 6:2
I’ve talked so far in this month’s series about being proactive and actively searching for your joy INside your tunnel (There’s light at the end of the tunnel is a saying those with a chronic issue have a hard time relating to.) I also talked about how we need to find our joy so we can keep searching or keep working at our God-given purpose that fulfills us. Last week, I talked about how a lack of joy and purpose leads us to give up on God, though the Lord loves us dearly and has a joyous life for us despite what we cannot do.
While the last three weeks were for YOU, this week is a special Don’t Give Up that is for those closest to you in your life. It’s important that WE keep looking for joy, purpose, and God’s love and support. It’s also important for those around you not to give up on YOU!

I’d love for you to share this particular post with those around you on your Facebook wall, in any of your Facebook pages or groups, and on any other social media as well as email to anybody you feel would benefit by posting it to THEIR friends and family.
Here’s my message to those around you: PLEASE don’t give up on your friends who struggle with chronic illness or any other chronic issue in their lives!
- Don’t give up on inviting them to parties or events.
- Don’t give up on asking them how they are really doing.
- Don’t give up on asking what you can do to help.
- Don’t give up on doing the little things to lift their spirits
- Don’t give up on being able to learn important life lessons from them!
- Don’t give up on them being able to make a difference in this world.
- Don’t give up on them in a moment of grief or weakness.
- Don’t give up on them overcoming and being a blessing.
- Don’t give up on them finding solutions.
- Don’t give up on them!

Those of us who live with chronic illness/issues have good days and bad days, but what we don’t have are days when we don’t need our brothers and sisters. What we don’t have is a resolution to being alone. What we don’t want is for us to be forgotten.
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” – Galations 6:2
We still have a life to live. We still have a need to be useful, to be included, and to have fun. So, please, don’t give up on us! Don’t count us out! We have a lot to give. We just need to do it on our own schedule.